Abstract 100% Hand Painted Oil Painting On Canvas Wall Art Pictures For Bedroom Living Room Home Decoration
Dear customer,
Welcome to my store! All paintings are 100% hand painted so it will take 7-10 days for the painting to be finished and dry.. Our price is not including the painting frame or hanging on the wall just painting canvas. If you need the painting with a frame then you can choose from our DIY Frames or contact us. I will wholeheartedly support your service. Thank you!
About material:
Acrylic and paint and canvas: high quality and waterproof and environmental.
About packing:
Cover the surface of the oil painting with a film to protect the oil painting from sticking. Use cardboard tube packaging to protect the painting from being squeezed during transportation.
About shipping:
Paintings will be shipped out within3-7 business days upon receipt Of your verified payment.We ship the item through e-Packet or Post Air Mail.If you want to receive the goods faster, you can choose EMS, DHL,UPS,Fedex,etc, but you need to pay for the fee .
DeIivery time depends on destination and other factors, it may take 10-60 days for different countries .PIease be patient for the arrivel. Thank you.
Q: What should I do if I haven’t received my purchase?
A: If you haven’t received your purchase, please be patient. Your purchase may reach your hand in the next few days. Meanwhile, please contact the shipping company by your side or contact us for help, we will try our best to help you. If your purchase was lost, we will send you a new one.
Q: What should I do if the paintings I bought does not like?
A: Please feel free to contact us through Email, we will resolve any problems with you .We are glad to help you exchange the others , but buyers are responsible for all the shipping charges.
Q: How about your store shipping way?
A:  Default Free International price we will choose the postal air parcel (Hong Kong Post, Singapore Post, E Packet….),the goods will be arrived about 15 to 35 working days.
If you want to receive the goods faster, you can choose EMS, DHL,UPS, but you need to pay for the fee .
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