Abstract Picture Painting By Numbers With Frame Large Size Number Painting Acrylic Paints On Canvas Handmade Artwork
Three option available:1.no frame; 2.diy frame; 3.ready frame
Picture size:60*75cm(24*30inch),50*65cm(20*26inch),40*50cm(16*20inch),20*30cm(8*12inch),any size can be customized; paint cover the whole canvas
No frame paint by numbers include
1*linen canvas,1 set acrylic paint,3*nylon brushes, hangers, pdf reference, color guide, package: rolled canvas by bubble bag
DIY frame paint by numbers include
1set DIY frame,1set thumbtack, 1*linen canvas,1 set acrylic paint,3*nylon brushes, hangers, pdf reference, color guide, package :rolled canvas by Air bubble bag
Ready frame paint by numbers include
1set ready frame(linen canvas stretched on frame)1 set acrylic paint, 3*nylon brushes,hangers,pdf reference,color guide, package:box
Note:we have two options canvas,normal canvas(black white canvas) and coloured canvas,the same price,default ship normal canvas, if you want to coloured canvas,just leave message under your order,will be ship coloured canvas.
Fukumoto Shusake –